Pune, Maharashtra 411041
Mon - Sun : 05.00 AM - 08.00 AM

A2 Desi Cow Ghee

What is A2 Ghee ?

Also known as Vedic A2 cow ghee, it is explicitly made from A2 cow milk which is expressly procured from Indian cow breeds. A2 cow ghee is hand-churned to perfection using the ancient 'bilona' process which retains the elements of sweetness and contains nutrients like vitamins, minerals, protein, iron, and calcium. The nutritional value of pure desi A2 ghee exceeds the benefits of any other ghee and is rich in aroma and taste.

Benefits of A2 Desi Cow - Ghee :

  1. It slows the aging process and makes your voice soft.

  2. Gir cow ghee lowers your bad cholesterol. It doesn’t cause any blockage in your heart. It has higher nutritional values and has vitamin A2, E, and D along with Omega 3.

  3. It treats gastric issues.

  4. It helps to recover from the wound as well.

  5. It treats broken bones and is best for joint massage.

  6. Gir cow ghee is great for people who are prone to obesity.

  7. It is also consumed to prevent diseases like asthma, headaches and cures insomnia.

  8. Gir cow ghee benefits human health thus is an extremely nutritious choice.


Open Land For Freely Grazing


Untouched Milking Process


Delivered Within 24 Hours


Freshness Guaranteed